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What's Next after the Elections in Egypt?

Freie Universität Berlin's Liaison Office in Cairo to Host Panel Discussion on November 30 / Interview Opportunities for Journalists

№ 367/2011 from Nov 25, 2011

Freie Universität Berlin’s Liaison Office in Cairo is hosting a panel discussion on the Egyptian parliamentary elections. It will take place on Wednesday, November 30, 2011, at the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Cairo, two days after the first elections on November 28 and eight months after the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak held eight months ago. Against the backdrop of continuing protests, however, is not clear whether these elections will herald a new beginning in Egypt. Under the title "The Ballot and the Box: Egypt’s first day of parliamentary elections" three prominent political scientists will discuss the importance of the parliamentary elections for the Egyptian transformation process.

The panelists will be a German political scientist, Ivesa Lübben (Universität Marburg), an Egyptian political scientist, Dr. Dina Shehata from the Cairo-based think tank Al Ahram Center for Politik and Strategic Studies, and Dr. Samer Soliman, a co-founder of the Egyptian Social Democratic Party and an associate professor at the American University in Cairo. The discussion will be moderated by Dr. Florian Kohstall, the head of the liaison office. Kohstall is a political scientist. He headed a research project on the Egyptian parliamentary elections in 2005 and is a co-editor of La fabrique des Elections en Égypte, Cedej, Cairo 2011.

The panel discussion is the fifth in the Cairo Talks on Transformation and Change (CTTC) series that the liaison office organizes in cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Office in Cairo and the Cairo office of the Orient Institute Beirut (OIB). With this series Freie Universität's liaison office offers an on-site forum for academically founded debate on the current political change in Egypt and the region. The previous panel discussions focused on, among other things, the shift in the role of the military and the role of women in the transformation process.

Further Information

Dr. Florian Kohstall, Head, Liaison Office of Freie Universität Berlin in Cairo, c/o DAAD Cairo Office, 11, Sh. Saleh Ayoub, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt, Tel.: +20 2 273 62 923, Mobil:  +20 1229499338, Email: florian.kohstall@fu-berlin.de
