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Student from Freie Universität Wins Silver Medal in London

Julia Richter and her team won second place in the women's quadruple sculls

№ 204/2012 from Aug 01, 2012

Julia Richter, a student at Freie Universität Berlin, won a silver medal at the Summer Olympics in London. The 23-year-old and her teammates Annekatrin Thiele, Carina Baer, and Britta Oppelt won second place in the women’s quadruple scull. They came in just behind the team from Ukraine, while the team from the U.S. won third place. Julia Richter studies media and communication studies at Freie Universität.

Since 2007 Freie Universität has been cooperating with the Berlin Olympic Center to provide student athletes with reliable conditions for improving the compatibility between academic studies and competitive sports (dual careers) in Berlin. Last year the German Olympic Sports Federation (DSB) awarded Freie Universität the title "University of Competitive Sports" in recognition of the university's contributions toward reconciling professional sports and education.