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THE Rankings: Humanities at Freie Universität Berlin at Place 25 Worldwide

Freie Universität Is Highest Ranked German University in the Humanities

№ 285/2012 from Oct 04, 2012

According to this year’s university rankings by the prestigious journal Times Higher Education (THE), Freie Universität Berlin continues to place among the world’s best universities in the humanities. As announced by THE in London, Freie Universität’s position in the international comparison improved by four positions since last year to place 25. In a nationwide comparison, Freie Universität placed above all the other German universities in the humanities. Professor Peter-André Alt, the president of Freie Universität Berlin, said that this latest ranking is further evidence of Freie Universität Berlin’s international reputation and of the strength of its researchers, which was also recently confirmed by its renewed selection as a German University of Excellence in the latest German national competition.

For the institution as a whole, the 2012 THE University Rankings put Freie Universität Berlin at position 128 worldwide. That is 23 positions higher than in last year’s rankings (2011: place 151).

In the recently published notable QS Rankings (2012), Freie Universität Berlin was again among the world’s top 100 universities.

Further Information

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings online