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Science on Stage

English Theatre Berlin Presents Science Play “Photograph 51” from November 6 to 13 in Cooperation with Freie Universität Berlin’s Institute of Biology

№ 333/2012 from Nov 02, 2012

As part of a “Science and Theatre” cooperation project between the English Theatre Berlin and the Institute of Biology at Freie Universität, the successful production of “Photograph 51” is being put back on the program. Written by the American author Anna Ziegler, the play is about the discovery of the DNA double helix structure and the depths of underhanded dealings among the scientists behind this milestone of the 20th century.

This joint project between Freie Universität and the English Theatre Berlin was set up in 2010 to stage science plays. It is a genre which was already popular in English-speaking countries. In a first step Regine Hengge, a professor of biology, and a group of young biologists discuss the social and ethical aspects of science in a seminar and provide the groundwork for the dramatic productions. This form of science communication from the laboratory to the stage opens up new perspectives for those involved in theater, the public, and the scientists themselves.

Time and Location

  • November 6 – 13, 2012 (excluding Sunday), 8 p.m.

  • English Theatre Berlin, Fidicinstraße 40, 10965 Berlin (subway station: Platz der Luftbrücke, U 6)

  • Tickets: 18 euros / for students: 10 euros; On Mondays all tickets cost 9 euros.

Further Information

Prof. Dr. Regine Hengge, Freie Universität Berlin, Institute of Biology, Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 838–53119, Email: rhenggea@zedat.fu-berlin.de
