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Sustainable Mobility in the U.S., Canada, and Germany

Freie Universität Holds International Workshop on Mobility, November 26–28 in Stuttgart

№ 344/2012 from Nov 14, 2012

Freie Universität Berlin’s Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU) is organizing an international workshop in cooperation with the Stuttgart regional traffic federation, Verband Region Stuttgart, to be held November 26 to 28, 2012, in Stuttgart. The workshop theme is sustainable mobility, and the aim is to inform participants from the United States, Canada, and Germany about the economic, ecologic, and social aspects of sustainable mobility. By using selected practical examples, it will be demonstrated how mobility needs can best be satisfied. In addition, the participants will learn how local mobility can be designed in a sustainable way and what kinds of mobility concepts are feasible and fundable in the short and medium term. The two-day workshop in English is open to members of the media; advance registration is required:  www.fu-berlin.de/tucd - Contact. The conference schedule can be viewed online: www.fu-berlin.de/tucd.

A particular focus of the workshop will be on the integration of skills and providers, political levels and financial resources. Examples of civic participation will be addressed, as well as the interaction of local and regional planning.

The workshop is part of the Transatlantic Urban Climate Dialogue (TUCD), organized by the FFU. Over a two-year period, policy makers and experts from companies, associations, and academia in North America and Germany meet regularly in a dialogue. This dialogue seeks to deepen understanding about shared transatlantic challenges with local energy and climate policy development and implementation.  Specific themes to be covered over this two year dialogue include energy efficient buildings, building retrofits, district energy systems, renewable energy development and financing, and regional restructuring. The workshops will be accompanied by excursions. The TUCD is organized by the FFU and receives financial support from the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.

The workshop on "Sustainable Mobility" is the third one held by the TUCD. The first one on "Urban Redevelopment in the Ruhr Region and Integrated Local Energy Planning" was held in October 2011 in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. A second one, devoted to "Renewable Energies and Implementation Actions in Community Energy Planning" was held in May 2012 in Alexandria, Virginia, U.S.A. The fourth workshop is scheduled to be held in the spring of 2013 in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. It will address "Implementing and Financing Community Energy Planning, and Testing International Benchmarks."

Time and Location

  • Monday, November 26 to Wednesday, November 28, 2012
  • Verband Region Stuttgart, Kronenstraße 25, 70174 Stuttgart, and other locations in Stuttgart
  • The conference program with all the venues is online at: www.fu-berlin.de/tucd 

Further Information

Petra Schuck-Wersig, Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU), Freie Universität Berlin,
Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 838-51361, Email: petra.wersig@fu-berlin.de  
