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Facts, Not Promises

Expert Forum at Freie Universität Berlin on 2013 German Federal Elections / Invitation for Journalists on September 11 at 10:30 a.m.

№ 244a/2013 from Sep 05, 2013

The next German national elections will be on September 22, 2013. Lots of promises are made during election campaigns, but what unpleasant truths might be in store for citizens after the elections, from the perspective of researchers at Freie Universität? In the future, will financial aid packages for distressed European countries become a fixed item in the federal budget? What sacrifices will be required by the energy transition? Will anyone working in Germany soon need to hold down two or three jobs to survive? And why does Germany seem to lack vision?

Eleven days before the election, experts from Freie Universität Berlin will address these and other issues. They will be available for interviews and informal background discussions with journalists. We kindly invite all representatives of the media to an

Expert Forum
on Wednesday, September 11, 2013, at 10:30 p.m.
at Freie Universität Berlin, Topoi Villa Dahlem
Hittorfstraße 18, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem; subway station: Thielplatz (U 3).

The president of Freie Universität Berlin, Prof. Dr. Peter-André Alt, will moderate the discussion.

The forum is exclusively for journalists. We kindly ask that you RSVP by email to presse@fu-berlin.de by Monday, September 9, 2013, at 1:00 p.m.. Thank you!

Experts at Freie Universität Berlin

Politics, Political Parties, Election Campaigns

  • Dr. Gero Neugebauer, Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science
    Expertise: Parties, Voting Behavior, Germany’s Political System
  • Prof. Dr. Oskar Niedermayer, Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science
    Expertise: Parties, Political Participation and Voting Behavior, Pirate Party, Right-wing Parties
  • Prof. Dr. Barbara Pfetsch, Institute for Media and Communication Studies
    Expertise: Effects of Media, Role of Mass Media

Foreign, Security, and European Policy

  • Prof. Dr. Christian Calliess, Department of Law, Public Law, European Law
    Expertise: European Politics, Crisis in the Euro Zone, Environment and Energy Policy
  • Dr. Gregor Walter-Drop, Academic Director, Collaborative Research Center: Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood
    Expertise: Foreign and Security Policy

Economy / Public Finances / Taxes

  • Prof. Dr. Irwin Collier, John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Department of Economics
    Expertise: Global Economy, International Economic Policy
  • Prof. Dr. Giacomo Corneo, School of Business and Economics, Chair of Public Economics
    Expertise: Public Economics, Income Taxation and Inequality
  • Prof. Dr. Jochen Hundsdoerfer, School of Business and Economics, Chair of Finance, Accounting & Taxation
    Expertise: Tax Policy, Corporate Taxation


  • Prof. Dr. Peter-André Alt, President, Freie Universität Berlin
    Expertise: Education Policy, Higher Education Policy

Data Security / Open Data

  • • Junior Prof. Dr. Leonhard Dobusch, School of Business and Economics, Management Department
    Expertise: Between Privacy and Open Data, Copyright

Energy Turnaround / Climate Change

  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich Cubasch, Department of Earth Sciences, Institute of Meteorology
    Expertise: Climate Change and Impacts, Climate Modeling and Projection
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Jänicke, Environmental Policy Research Centre (Founding Director)
    Expertise: German and International Environmental Policy, IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases)

Further Information

Christine Boldt, Tel.: +49 30 838-73191, Email: christine.boldt@fu-berlin.de