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Europe in Crisis

Lecture by Prominent French Philosopher Etienne Balibar on June 12, 2014, at Freie Universität Berlin

№ 200/2014 from Jun 02, 2014

On June 12 the prominent French philosopher Prof. Dr. Etienne Balibar will give a lecture at Freie Universität Berlin as part of the French-German Colloquium. Balibar will address the current crisis in the European Union. Roughly two weeks after the European elections, Balibar will take various historical cycles into consideration to analyze the current crisis in the European Union, considering what factors come together in the crisis and affect European awareness of the political situation. The lecture will be held in English. It is open to the public, and admission is free.

According to Balibar, the current crisis is an indication of the consequences of the postcolonial provincialism of Europe and the inadequacies of the dogma to form a political structure based on unlimited competition. The crisis is also evidence for the deficiency in the dialectic between social and monetary dimensions of the European community. As a consequence, the future of Europe is now left to chance, or rather, is dependent on how its citizens can find a way out of the interregnum, in which "the old is dying and the new is not yet born" (A. Gramsci).

Etienne Balibar, born in 1942, is a professor emeritus of philosophy at the University of Paris Ouest-Nanterre and at the University of California, Irvine. Since 2012 he has been teaching at Columbia University in New York. Many of his most important works have been translated into English and German. Important titles include: Race, Nation, Class (1988, with Immanuel Wallerstein); Les frontières de la démocratie (1993); La philosophie de Marx (1993); Nous, citoyens d’Europe? Les frontières, l’État, le peuple (2001); Masses, Classes, Ideas (2008); La Proposition de l'Égaliberté. Essais politiques (2010); Violence et Civilité (2010); Saeculum (2012).

The lecture will be held as part of the French-German Colloquium that is organized by the Center for French Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, in cooperation with the Centre Marc Bloch.

Time and Location

  • Thursday, June 12, 2014, 6 - 8 p.m.
  • Freie Universität Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 45 (Room KL 32/ 123),14195 Berlin; subway station: Dahlem-Dorf or Thielplatz (U3)

Further Information

Prof. Dr. Anne Kwaschik, Center for French Studies and Friedrich Meinecke Institute, Freie Universität Berlin. Tel.: +49 30 38-50462, Email: ab-kwaschik@geschkult.fu-berlin.de

Link to More Information
