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Sports Hall at Freie Universität in Dahlem Being Set Up as Temporary Refugee Camp

Donations of Goods and Money through Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe / Participants of University Sports Courses Informed about Cancelation of Classes

Dec 19, 2014

The Sports Hall of Freie Universität at Dahlem Dorf is currently not available for sports. It is expected that it will be closed to classes through the middle of February. The closure is necessary because the hall is required by the State of Berlin for the accommodation of newly arrived refugees who could get no more space in the existing shelters in the city on such short notice. In such cases the "General Law on the Protection of Public Safety and Order" gives the Senate the possibility of using public buildings for this purpose.

Besides the university students’ sports classes, three public schools are affected whose sports classes are normally held in the hall. All of those involved have been informed. Anyone who paid for a course that is being canceled will be reimbursed proportionately for the missed classes.

“The Senate asked us for help at very short notice on Friday, and of course we agreed to help,” said the president of Freie Universität Berlin, Prof. Dr. Peter-André Alt. In all, around 200 refugees are expected to be housed in the hall. The emergency relief organization, Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe Berlin, will be in charge of caring for the refugees. They have been told to expect mainly families with young children and young adults from several crisis regions.

There are various ways to help. As of Saturday, December 20, donations of clothing or toys may be dropped off at the entrance of the Sports Hall, Königin-Luise-Straße 47. “The clothing must be in good condition and washed,” said Wolfgang Pellnitz, volunteer and chair of the regional federation of the Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe. He added, “We would particularly appreciate clothing for teenagers and young adults.” Since the helpers are all volunteers and work without compensation, the organization also welcomes monetary donations. The bank account information for donations is:  

Recipient:         Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V.

Account No.:     4324800

BLZ:                  37020500

IBAN:                 DE42 3702 0500 0004 324800

Bank:                 Bank für Sozialwirtschaft Köln

Verwendungszweck: Spende Flüchtlingshilfe Berlin-Dahlem

The transfers are tax deductible as a charitable donation. The proof of payment counts as a receipt. If you need a separate receipt, please include your address on the transfer.