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Dissolution of the State and Guarantee for Human Rights?

Fourth Panel Discussion of the European Salon on April 27, 2015 / Topic: Perspectives of European Migration Policy

№ 085/2015 from Mar 30, 2015

Migration is the topic to be discussed in the fourth panel discussion of the European Salon series on April 27, 2015, on the premises of the Representation of the Saarland. The planned panelists are the head of the German Federal Chancellery Peter Altmaier, the former Dutch Justice Minister Prof. Dr. Ernst Hirsch Ballin, and the managing director of PRO ASYL Günter Burkhardt. They will discuss, among other things, the issue of whether and to what extent the understanding of citizenship needs to be adjusted to accommodate the emergence of transnational communities. Other issues to be discussed include the responsibility of the European Union to protect refugees and to take in asylum seekers as well as the opportunities that immigration can offer the European economy and the labor market. The discussion will be moderated by Dr. Christian Calliess, a professor of public law and European law at Freie Universität Berlin. The event is open to the public, and admission is free.

The debates are prepared in advance in the online forum of the European Salon: https://salon.publixphere.de, where the issues can be discussed and made more specific by asking questions. Some of the particularly active and dedicated participants in the online debate will be invited to the panel discussion as guest speakers.

The European Salon series is funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation and organized by Prof. Dr. Christian Calliess.

Time and Location

  • Monday, April 27, 2015, 6 p.m.
  • Representation of the Saarland to the German Federal Government, In den Ministergärten 4, 10117 Berlin. subway station: Mohrenstraße (U2)

Further Information

Stephanie Goebel, Program Manager, Department of Law, Freie Universität Berlin, Tel.: +49 30 838-59618, Email: stephanie.goebel@fu-berlin.de

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