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FU-BEST Program celebrates 10th anniversary

Constantly Rising Number of Participants – Record Number during this Anniversary Year

№ 339/2015 from Oct 30, 2015

The Berlin European Studies Program (FU-BEST) of Freie Universität Berlin, founded in 2005, celebrates its 10th anniversary this Fall Semester with a record 162 participants. The number of participating students in the program has grown steadily over the decade. The program’s target groups are individual students and universities from abroad plus study abroad providers. A combination of German language instruction and subject courses taught in English forms the core of the program.

The participating students come from a wide range of universities and colleges, many of which are formal partner institutions of Freie Universität Berlin, such as American University, Catholic University of America, George Mason University, Lebanon Valley College, Boston College, Rutgers University, Syracuse University, University of California System, University of Maryland, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Pittsburgh, Northeastern University, and the University of San Francisco. Every year, an average of two or more new partner institutions join this widening circle. Additional partnerships have been concluded with study abroad providers in the U.S., such as International Studies Abroad (ISA), Academic Programs International (API), the American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS), and World Endeavors. In addition to the academic program, FU-BEST also offers its participants a broad cultural framework program, including excursions, as well as an internship option and volunteering opportunities.

Further Information

Dr. Dirk Verheyen, Academic Director of FU-BEST, Telephone: +49 30 838-56582, Email: fubest@fu-berlin.de