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Award-winning Quantum Physicist

Dr. Martin Kliesch from Freie Universität to Receive Carl Ramsauer Award from the Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin

№ 367/2015 from Nov 19, 2015

The quantum physicist Dr. Martin Kliesch from Freie Universität Berlin is receiving one of four Carl Ramsauer Awards from the Physikalische Gesellschaft Berlin for his outstanding doctoral dissertation entitled "Lokalität und Komplexität in Simulationen komplexer Quantensysteme." The award includes 1500 euros. The award ceremony with short lectures will take place on December 1, 2015, at Freie Universität Berlin. The event is public, and admission is free.

The Carl Ramsauer Award is presented by the Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin in honor of the famous experimental physicist and first director of the AEG Research Institute, Carl Ramsauer (1879–1955). From 1949 bis 1951 Carl Ramsauer was the first chairperson of the Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin (PGzB), which was newly founded after World War II. Since 2002 four outstanding theses have been awarded annually for outstanding doctoral theses in physics and related fields. As of 2015, the Carl Ramsauer Award is sponsored by the SPECS GmbH.

Further Information

Time and Location

  • Tuesday, December 1, 2015, 5:30 p.m.
  • Department of Physics, Freie Universität Berlin, Lecture Hall / Hörsaal A, Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin. subway station: Dahlem-Dorf (U3).


Dr. Martin Kliesch, Department of Physics, Freie Universität Berlin, Tel.: +49 30 838-54979, Email: kliesch@zedat.fu-berlin.de

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