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Political Scientist at Freie Universität Re-appointed to Committee of the German Bundestag

Professor Klaus Schroeder Continues to Serve as Advisor on Consequences of Injustice in the GDR

№ 213/2017 from Aug 10, 2017

The political scientist Klaus Schroeder at Freie Universität Berlin has once again been nominated by the German Bundestag as a member of the expert advisory committee of the Federal Office for Stasi Documents (BStU). By law the committee is made up of nine scholars who have "special knowledge" in research on the GDR, dictatorships, communism, comparative contemporary history, and the methods and modes of operation of intelligence services. The members were elected by a joint proposal from the various political factions for five years.

The committee advises the Federal Supervisor on the Stasi documents in the scholarly investigation of the activities of the state security service of the GDR. The committee is also expected to accompany the research work and publication activities and to support the exchange of information with other research institutions.

Klaus Schroeder earned his doctorate in sociology and completed the habilitation process in political science at Freie Universität Berlin. In addition to his teaching and research activities as a professor at the Otto Suhr Institute at Freie Universität, since 1992 he has also headed the research group devoted to the SED state, which he co-founded. His main areas of research are the history of the separate German states, the history of the GDR, the reunification process, extremism, and the welfare state.

Further Information

Prof. Dr. Klaus Schroeder, Forschungsverbund SED-Staat, Freie Universität Berlin, Tel.: +49 30 838-52091, Email: kschroe@zedat.fu-berlin.de