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Professor Stephan Sigrist of Freie Universität Berlin Elected Member of the European Molecular Biology Organization

The network of internationally renowned molecular biologists includes ninety-one Nobel laureates

№ 157/2023 from Jul 04, 2023

The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), an international network of leading molecular biologists, has elected sixty-nine new members and associated members – among them Professor Stephan Sigrist, who conducts research and teaches at the Institute of Biology, Freie Universität Berlin. The EMBO has more than 2,000 members, ninety-one of them have received Nobel Prizes. New members are nominated and elected by existing members based on their exceptional contributions to the life sciences.

According to the EMBO, Professor Sigrist and his sixty-eight fellow new members qualified for admission to the EMBO for their contributions spanning the spectrum of life science research, including work that has demystified the immune system, advanced understanding of our senses, and facilitated innovative approaches to vaccine development.

Fiona Watt, director of the EMBO, said, “These remarkable scientists have unraveled the molecular secrets of life, deepened our understanding of health and disease, and are paving the way for further discoveries and innovations. Their achievements reinforce the critical role that life science research plays in the lives of citizens across Europe and the world.”

The new members of the European Molecular Biology Organization will be formally welcomed at the annual Members’ Meeting in Heidelberg from October 25‒27, 2023. EMBO members provide guidance and support for the organization’s activities, for example, by evaluating funding applications and serving on the EMBO Council and various committees.

The European Molecular Biology Organization

The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) is an organization made up of more than 2,000 leading researchers. The network supports talented researchers at all stages of their careers and stimulates the exchange of scientific information across institutional and national borders. The EMBO also campaigns for the maintenance of high standards of excellence in research practice and helps to shape science and research policy. The broad scientific scope of its members – including molecular biologists from across Europe and the world – has resulted in EMBO becoming one of the leading scientific organizations in Europe in the field of molecular biology. The EMBO’s major programs and activities are funded by the European Molecular Biology Conference (EMBC), an intergovernmental organization that comprises thirty member states, including France, Germany, Israel, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Further Information


  • Prof. Dr. Stephan Sigrist, Institute of Biology, Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin, Email: stephan.sigrist@fu-berlin.de
  • For press inquiries please contact the Press and Communication Team within the Office of Communication and Marketing, Email: presse@fu-berlin.de