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Anja Kretschmer

... is responsible for the area of "Journalism Practice" at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies at Freie Universität Berlin.

May 09, 2018

Anja Kretschmer is looking forward to imaginative videos with an innovative approach.

Anja Kretschmer is looking forward to imaginative videos with an innovative approach.

At Freie Universität …

… I am responsible for the practical part of Journalism Studies in the Institute for Media and Communication Studies. My main emphasis is on television and radio, which is appropriate because in the other part of my professional life I make documentaries for ARD and ZDF.

Internationality for me is …

… an opportunity to feel at home in the world.

What does that mean for everyday life?

In particular, Babylonian linguistic confusion in the subway.

When judging the submitted videos, I will pay particular attention to …

...consistency, surprises, and good craftsmanship.