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Gerrit Lembcke

... studies law and works as a student assistant in the International Affairs Division at Freie Universität Berlin.

May 13, 2018

Gerrit Lemcke is interested in a coherent overall picture.

Gerrit Lemcke is interested in a coherent overall picture.
Image Credit: Gerrit Lembcke

At Freie Universität …

... I enjoy spending my time on campus. I study law here and work as a student assistant in the Division of International Affairs.

Internationality for me is …

... a question of individual attitude. I would say that anyone who goes through life as a conciliatory person without prejudice and with an interest in different cultures can experience internationality. At the same time, this helps to reduce resentment in the population.

What does that mean for everyday life?

For me this starts with small things, for example, if you follow international news instead of limiting yourself to local news. When going out to eat, you can select a different kind of restaurant, for example, one serving Lebanese cuisine.

Students at Freie Universität have many opportunities to meet people from around the world. They can go abroad for a semester or chat with international students in the campus dining halls. In Berlin it is very easy to catch a train or bus for a weekend trip to another European country.

When judging the submitted videos, I will pay particular attention to …

... a coherent overall picture.