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Topics in September

Aug 31, 2011

“It seems nothing is taboo”

The air and water pollution in China is one of the biggest environmental problems. There is smog in many cities, as here in Shanghai.

China has convened an international commission on improving its environmental situation – a conversation with Martin Jänicke, founding director of the Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU) at Freie Universität and member of the commission

“Creating an environmentally friendly society that conserves resources” – that is the heading of the environment section of China’s current five-year plan (2011–2015). A task force made up of six Chinese and Western scientists is to outline the goals that will involve for the period through 2020. The government hopes these measures will help to finally get the country’s considerable pollution and environmental degradation issues under control. Campus.leben spoke with political scientist Martin Jänicke, who has been appointed to the commission, after the first meeting.
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Multimedia, Advanced, International – World War I Online

A typical image of the First World War: British soldiers in a pause during the Battle of the Somme in 1916. The online encyclopedia <i>First World War 1914-1918</i> aims at a global perspective.

An online encyclopedia with international participation will be created at the Friedrich Meinecke Institute at Freie Universität by 2014.

“All quiet on the western front” indeed – Erich Maria Remarque wasn’t the only one, in his novel of the same name about World War I, to turn his focus to the west. For a long time, researchers, too, tended to concentrate on the endless trenches of the Western Front. But there are plans to change that by the time the hundredth anniversary of the start of the Great War arrives, in 2014: Professor Oliver Janz, a historian at the Friedrich Meinecke Institute, and Professor Nicolas Apostolopoulos, head of the Center for Digital Systems (CeDiS), will be working on an international online encyclopedia over the next three years.

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History Is No Mystery

Paleography is the study of ancient writing. Depicted here is a report on the destruction of Magdeburg in 1631.

Deciphering old manuscripts is one of the areas of focus of the master’s degree program in Editorial Studies at Freie Universität Berlin.

The days of little hooks, curls, and loops are over – at least in Hamburg’s elementary schools, where cursive writing is being struck from the list of requirements in German classes. Computer and cell phone keyboards have largely replaced fountain pens, and those who can still decipher Grandma’s recipes are few indeed these days. Anyone who wants to read even older handwritten texts needs skills in paleography. The study of handwriting is taught at only a few higher education institutions in Germany – and Freie Universität is one of them.

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