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Topics in February

Feb 20, 2015

Dangerous Inflammation

Hope in sight: Since the discovery that substances associated with inflammation may play a role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease, scientists at Charité have begun pursuing a new approach to treating the disease.

Neuroscientists study the connection between Alzheimer’s disease and the behavior of the body’s own defense cells

According to figures provided by Deutsche Alzheimer-Gesellschaft, there are about one million Germans currently living with Alzheimer’s disease. And the number is rising. After all, with demographic change in progress, there is also an increase in the number of those at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, a particular form of dementia in which patients’ nerve tissue is systematically destroyed.

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More than Just Decoration

Museums as classrooms: Students from Berlin’s Beethoven School visited the Gemäldegalerie art museum in Berlin as part of the “Bildung durch Bilder” (Art in Education) project – and would have liked to stay there.

Art historians and education scholars at Freie Universität impart “education through art” at schools

Louis XIV is a powerful man. Left hand on his hip, a jewel-encrusted sword hanging at his belt, surrounded by marble and royal purple drapes. That, at least, is how the French “Sun King” had himself immortalized on canvas, around 1700.

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Bargaining for Billions

“Steal to have money” is written in red on the wall of the Bank of Greece, in Athens, whose currency policy role was taken over by the European Central Bank in 2001, with the introduction of the euro.

A political scientist from Freie Universität Berlin takes a closer look at the options available to countries in crisis when negotiating for loans with the troika

The elections in Greece and the renewed considerations surrounding allowing the country to leave the euro have given Susanne Lütz’s research project a timeliness she had not expected.

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