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Topics in October

Oct 05, 2016

Joys of Bathing in Antiquity

It is still easy to imagine the splendor of the Roman baths.

Monika Trümper, a professor of classical archaeology, studies the history of baths in antiquity – and the physical culture that existed at the time.

“If you have not bathed in the thermal baths of Etruscus, you will die unwashed,” the Roman poet Martial enthused at the end of the first century A.D., describing a friend’s bath. The water there was so clear, he said, that one might even think the marble pools were empty.

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Diving into Research

Coral reefs are of great importance for the ecosystems of the oceans, and they are fascinatingly beautiful.

Christina Braoun, a student enrolled in a master’s degree program in biology, travels to Borneo with a team of researchers to study corals.

Coral reefs are beautiful – and extremely important from an ecological standpoint. Christina Braoun, a student enrolled in the master’s degree program in Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology at Freie Universität, plans to study them up close and personal over the next few weeks.

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The Savanna as a Lecture Hall

Students and researchers from Freie Universität do field work in the savanna in  Chimfunshi.

In a unique course, students observe chimpanzees in Zambia.

Glaring sunlight, a red sand floor, the unique sounds of the bush and grassland landscapes of Zambia, home to cicadas and more than 700 species of birds – about 30 hours of travel away from Berlin, a whole different world awaits: Chimfunshi, in the north of Zambia.

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