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Online Magazine campus.leben

Home page of the online magazine, campus.leben (in German)

Home page of the online magazine, campus.leben (in German)
Image Credit: www.fu-berlin.de/campusleben

News and Information for the Employees of Freie Universität Berlin and the Public

A click at www.fu-berlin.de/campusleben opens the gate to the virtual campus of Freie Universität. News and background reports, information about services, dates and deadlines, as well as stories from everyday life at the university can all be found here.

In the sections CAMPUS, FORSCHEN, and LERNEN & LEHREN, campus.leben reports on the numerous events at Freie Universität, as well as on news from the world of research and student life between the lecture halls and research papers. The VORGESTELLT section portrays individuals at Freie Universität, whether they conduct research, teach, study, or do other work. There is a separate video section.

The INTERN section with information and tips applicable to the university is reserved exclusively for members of the university and accessible only within the computer network of Freie university. There is an RSS Feed available for the individual articles.