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Taking Leave for Further Education and Training (Bildungzeit)



The “Bildungszeit” program in Germany allows you to take paid leave from work to participate in a state-recognized further education course. Anyone who is employed or in a de facto employment relationship can take advantage of this opportunity. Please note that special federal and state regulations apply to public officials (“Beamte/Beamtinnen”). This right is embedded in Berlin’s Educational Leave Law (Bildungszeitgesetz - BiZeitG).

You can apply for educational leave six months after your employment contract has begun at the earliest. The educational program must last a minimum of one day. Employees are entitled to five days of educational leave per year. The entitlement of a current year can be combined with that of a following year if approved by your employer, meaning you can take 10 days of educational leave in one year. This is based on a five-day work week, the entitlement for anyone working more or fewer than five days a week is adjusted accordingly.

You must inform your employer of your wish to take a Bildungszeit and the dates you want to take off well in advance – ideally at least six weeks before you plan to take leave. You can send your application and your “Anerkennungsbescheid” (a document from the educational institution or training organization indicating that the course is recognized by the state as Bildungszeit) to the personnel department via your supervisor. Generally speaking, an application for educational leave with pay may not be rejected, unless pressing issues at work take precedence.

You can find further information on the websites of the Senate Department for Integration, Labor and Social Services (Senatsverwaltung für Integration, Arbeit und Soziales) and Berlin’s Educational Leave Law.