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Representatives for Individuals with Disabilities

Representatives for Individuals with Disabilities

The representatives for individuals with disabilities are responsible for promoting the integration of people with severe disabilities in the workplace. They represent their interests and offer counseling and support for individuals.

They also monitor the implementation of legislation affecting people with disabilities at work and request measures that are helpful for people with disabilities, especially preventive measures. Employees with disabilities are encouraged to contact their representatives if they have suggestions or complaints, and if appropriate, the representatives will then take these forward and seek a resolution with the individual’s employer.

The representatives must be kept informed and their opinion must be sought in all cases affecting staff with disabilities, whether it is an issue affecting an individual staff member or staff as a group.

If an individual with a severe disability applies for a position at Freie Universität, a representative has the right to view the relevant sections of the person’s application and to be present as part of the interview panel.

If problems arise in relation to an individual’s work for the university, the relevant representative must be informed of this at an early stage so that if possible, problems can be resolved and the person can continue to work without threat to their employment at the university. The same applies to long-term sickness absence in the case of a disabled person.

Currently, representatives dealing with issues arising in relation to individual employment contracts are distributed over two areas:

  • The Dahlem area
  • Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum

The Chief Representative for Individuals with Disabilities is generally responsible for all issues relating to disability at work and also specifically responsible for student employees with disabilities.

Contact - Dahlem and Overall Representation
André Lefeber
Thielallee 38
14195 Berlin
Raum T-309

+49 (0)30 838-54080

Contact - Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum
Sven Plöger
Königin-Luise-Str. 6-8
14195 Berlin

+49 (0) 30 838 – 50195