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Secondary Employment

Secondary Employment

As an employee you are obliged to notify your primary employer if you wish to take on paid secondary employment. Furthermore, civil servants (Beamte/Beamtinnen) have a general obligation to have any secondary employment they wish to undertake pre-approved. In any case, your notification must be submitted before you begin work on secondary employment activities. If you are planning to take on secondary employment, please remember that it has to be authorized or endorsed by the personnel office before you begin. For that reason, you should factor in enough time for everything to go smoothly. University travel requests will not be approved if they involve conducting business for another employer. Please use the designated form to disclose your secondary employment.

Please submit your application to the personnel office via your work office (and the dean’s office if necessary) to have it endorsed and/or approved. Your secondary employment will not be approved if said activities could potentially have a negative impact on your primary employment. This obligation to notify your employer also applies if you wish to begin a degree program or further professional training. Please get in touch with the personnel office in this case.