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Broadcasting License Fee

Broadcasting License Fee


People living in Germany are legally required to pay public broadcasting fees that help fund public radio and television stations. Every household is charged a flat rate for the broadcasting license fee. Adults with a registered address in Germany are required by law to file with the license fee service. Only one adult per household has to file and pay the fee. Currently, the monthly rate per household is 18.36 euros (as of August 2021).

You can either wait until the license fee service contacts you by mail (shortly after you register at the district office) or report directly to their offices at “ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice.” The form you need is available here.
Please note that the fee is due starting from the first month you’re registered in Germany. It does not matter if you report to them yourself or wait for a letter from their office.
The Welcome Service team is happy to help FUB staff with the broadcasting fee paperwork. Feel free to ask us for assistance!