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Part-time studies

Students with family responsibilities can apply to study part-time. In this case, each semester is counted as one-half of a semester spent within the subject (Fachsemester). This means that what would normally count toward the regular program duration as one semester within the subject can be completed in two semesters of higher education (Hochschulsemester).

If part-time students wish to make use of the available teaching and support options, they can request this by re-registering on time and stating the reason for the request. The amount of the semester fees and contributions does not change. However, it should be borne in mind that benefits provided by bodies not affiliated with the university could be affected. This includes BAföG student aid, health insurance, and residential entitlements. Students can continue to study part-time until the reason for part-time studies no longer applies or until the students themselves wish to continue their program full-time.

An event called "Students with Children" is held every winter semester to provide information on part-time studies, organizing and financing a study program, childcare vouchers and allocation of childcare placements.