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E: Einnahmen (Receipts) to EU Mitgliedsstaaten (EU Member States)

Einnahmen (Receipts)

All receipts owed to Freie Universität Berlin have to be collected in due time and in the full amount, regardless of whether they are projected in the budget at all or estimated in a corresponding amount. The receipts have to be credited to accounts of Freie Universität Berlin, which are managed by the Hauptkasse (Cashier’s Office).

The Hauptkasse of Freie Universität Berlin must be promptly informed about the expected incoming payment by sending an acceptance order. Documents substantiating the reason for the payment or a detailed statement explaining the reason for it must be enclosed with the acceptance order.

See: Formulare (Forms); Annahmeauftrag (Acceptance Order)

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Einzugsermächtigung (Direct Debit Authorization)

See: Abbuchungen (Direct Debits)

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Entsorgungen (Waste Disposal)

Please contact the Engineering and Utilities Division for matters concerning the disposal of special waste. If inventoried assets need to be disposed of, an “Aussonderungsantrag” (request for disposal of assets) must be submitted.

See: Aussonderungsantrag (Request for Disposal of Assets)

Ergänzungsausstattung (Supplemental Funding for External Funding Projects) (Chapter 07)

To support research projects funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation), the university management has resolved to provide supplementary funding on the basis of approved project funds (only FU share); the supplementary funding has been available since 01-01-2008:

  • 15 % for experimental natural science collaborative research centers (SFBs) and research groups, veterinary medicine
  • 10 % for humanities and social sciences as well as theoretical natural science collaborative research centers and research groups, International Humanities Research Center
  • 7.5 % for collaborative research centers (SFB) with participation of FU Berlin experimental natural sciences, veterinary medicine
  • 5 % for collaborative research centers (SFB) with participation of FU Berlin, theoretical natural sciences, humanities and social sciences
  • 5 % for participation in research groups
  • 5 % for individual DFG projects (all)
  • 5 % for research training groups

Initiative for Excellence

  • 5 % for clusters of excellence and graduate schools
  • 2.5% for participation in clusters of excellence and graduate schools

The Office of the Research Committee (VI FK subdivision) is responsible for calculating the supplementary funding.

See: Forschungsförderung (Research Funding)

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Erlass (Waiver)

See: Veränderung von Ansprüchen (Changes to Claims)

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Erstattungen (Refunds)

Private advance payments made for the purpose of acquiring the necessary materials, supplies, utensils/equipment, etc. are to be limited to only those cases in which the payment is required immediately. In general, required items are to be purchased via the BIOS purchase order system (online shop) on a non-cash basis (invoice-based payment via the Cashier’s Office). This ensures adherence to the principle of efficiency and cost-effectiveness, which must be observed when making any purchase. The special nature of the facts or circumstances may, however, justify a purchase through a third party. The advance payment must be authorized in advance by a person who has management authorization for budget funds. For reimbursement of a private advance payment that has been made, the payment must be unequivocally verified or documented by means of a receipt (proof of payment/receipt, invoice, bank account statement, etc.). Refund requests to Freie Universität Berlin are to be made in person by submitting an invoice.

The payment should be authorized with the disbursement order, which may not be signed by the invoicing party / payee.

See: Ausgeschlossene Personen (Excluded Persons)

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Exkursionen (Study Trips)

As defined by Section 21 BerlHG (Berlin Higher Education Act), study trips are field trips for the purpose of educating or supplementing the education of students at Freie Universität Berlin (FUB). Study trips should only be undertaken if the corresponding knowledge, skills and scientific methods cannot be taught or cannot be adequately taught within the physical premises of FU Berlin (necessity to hold the class at a different location).

Trips to university or general political events do not constitute study trips. This also applies to trips of a predominantly tourist nature!

Study trips need to be well prepared and announced early on. In general, the students themselves are solely responsible for the costs for the trip. Therefore, the university has no legal obligation to cover the expenses of the study trip. However, for social reasons, Freie Universität Berlin strives to keep the financial burden on students as low as possible by providing grant funding to help cover excursions. However, the grant funding can only be provided within the limits specified by the committees in charge of the budgetary decisions.

Irrespective of any grant funding available, it must be ensured that the students pay a minimum of 20 euros per day of the study trip as their share towards the covering the costs. In general, however, a larger individual contribution will be required.

Consequently, before organizing a study trip, it is essential to involve the relevant department administration in the planning process. The funding for the study trip has to be settled with the department administration in a timely manner.

See: Link to information

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EU Member States

This link will take you to an overview of the current member states of the European Union.