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Online Workshop: Preparing a Grant Proposal for the DFG

The training workshop “Preparing a Grant Proposal for the DFG” took place on 9 July 2020. 

DFG Online Workshop

DFG Online Workshop
Image Credit: Barnimages

Successful third party funding acquisition is a crucial performance indicator in science. Moreover, good scientific projects often have to rely on external funds. In light of limited public funding, the securing of financial support is an important task for a scientist. The German Research Foundation (DFG) is the leading sponsor for projects in basic science and offers various programs.

The advanced online training workshop brought together ten AiS mentees with the aim to equip them with hands-on DFG proposal writing skills. Led by Prof. Dr. Annette Kolb, the workshop provided information on the logic and structure of a „typical“ DFG proposal as well as strategic considerations regarding argumentation and contents of a grant application. 

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