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Workshop: Social Media in Science

This Workshop Series took place on 07. & 14. October 2022.


Image Credit: Rob Curran/Unsplash

AiS invited its members to a two-day online workshop on Social Media in Science on 07. & 14. October 2022. The workshop focused on two main areas: the use of social media for inquiry, research and publication processes and the use of social media for career promotion, networking and science communication. 

Within the workshop participants discussed platforms like ORCiD, Researchgate, Academia, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, but also sites like GoogleScholar and the usage of science blogs. Among other, it was discussed which platforms for researchers to use, how to keep information updated and which social media strategies work best for respective goals. Additionally, different tools were discussed to keep ones social media presence not only updated, but also in a nice design, how altmetrics give an overview of ones social media presence and how to structure ones professional and personal presence online differently, including how to deal with possible ‘shitstorms’ online.

The workshop “Social Media in Science” was designed by scidecode science consulting with the trainer Dr. Ulrich Herb.

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