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Workshop: Women* in Academia: An intersectional approach to research lives in higher education

The workshop took place on 23. May 2022 at FU Berlin.

Women in Academia

Women in Academia

This workshop aimed at creating a forum for personal and scholarly exchange on power dynamics that shape how women* navigate the German and international research scene. Although universities have set gender equality policies and invested in diversity mainstreaming in the last years, the observation remained that more steps need to be taken to create an inclusive environment for a multiplicity researchers. The neoliberalization of higher education has furthermore lead to a highly competitive research landscape with predominantly temporary job positions, high pressure to deliver scientific output (publishing, lectureships etc.) and limited options for professorship-positions so that precarity in academia has become a key issue, even in the wider public discourse.  

The workshop brought together women* of the wider AiS-Network for a one-day networking event to exchange specific experiences of establishing oneself as researcher internationally, talk about intersectional inequalities in higher education, gather initial ideas on how to address or cope with research environments, discuss how participants have so far personally or structurally intervened and maybe pinpoint how initiatives like Academics in Solidarity can offer a customized support to international women* in academia. There was space to discuss alternative career paths outside of academia. The workshop was designed as an initial networking workshop where participants have the possibility to choose or create further follow-up sessions on related topics. (Open to FLINTA*, LBTIQA)

The workshop took place at the International House, Freie Universität Berlin on 23. May 2022 between 09:00-17:00 with trainer Urmila Goel.

Urmila Goel is a habilitated cultural anthropologist and freelance trainer. She worked six years as a guest professor at the Institute for European Ethnology of the Humboldt University Berlin. In the summer term 2022 she has a guest professorship in Gender Studies at the University of Klagenfurt in Austria. Her main fields of research are migration and racism, gender and sexuality as well as intersectionality. More information about her research and trainings can be found on her website.

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