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Call for Applications: The New Institute Fellowships on the Future of Democracy

Applications will be accepted until January 6, 2021. 

News from Nov 30, 2020

The programme “The Future of Democracy” addresses the current challenges and failures of the democratic system and aims to find ways to strengthen participation. The goal is to imagine how democracy can be reconfigured to be fit for purpose and capable of evolving in the future. Central issues will be: "Strengthening Deliberative Democracy", "Reconfiguring the Use of Social Media and Online Communication", "Enhancing Decision-Making and the Role of AI and Big Data" and "The Future of Political Representation". 

The NEW INSTITUTE based in Hamburg is looking for fellows who completed their PhD with expertise from social science and humanities. They should be willing to become residents in Hamburg for the two-year-period. The TNI offers full coverage of costs during the fellowship. 

Find out more details about the application process and requirements on the website and in the call

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