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Off University Call for Concept Proposals in the field of Critical peace Studies in Turkey

Deadline for submissions is 22nd March 2022. 

News from Mar 09, 2022

Off-University creates new strategies to uphold and sustain academic life and knowledge threatened by anti-democratic and authoritarian regimes. It was established for and by academics from Turkey yet addresses itself to academics all over the world: academics who have been purged from their institutions, forced to resign, who are legally and politically persecuted and even imprisoned because of their opinion and research. 

Off-University is inviting concept proposals for four different research activities in the field of “Critical Peace Studies in Turkey“ to be carried out from April 2022 – December 2022. The aim with this project is to challenge realist perspectives on conflict, war and peace and to explore different ways of thinking and knowing about these issues. Proposals that take on an interdisciplinary approach, value different kinds of knowledges and work towards de-centering traditional perspectives on peace and conflict in Turkey are explicitly sought after. The application deadline is March 22nd.

For more information, please take a look at the full call

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