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AiS Policy Talk #1 to take place on 3 June 2021 

Please register by 2 June 2021.

News from May 25, 2021

The Academics in Solidarity program is about to launch its AiS Policy Talk Series and invites everyone interested to the presentation of the first AiS Policy Brief, entitled “Supporting Scholars in Exile: Towards Long-Term Career Path Solutions”, authored by Dr. Asli Telli-Aydemir and Dr. Cagla Diner.

The presentation will highlight the challenges exiled scholars face in their host countries, with a particular focus on Germany, and propose possible ways for addressing these challenges through reforms of support mechanisms, including fellowship programs for exiled scholars and support structures within higher education institutions. Following the presentation, participants will have a chance to discuss with the authors and moderators of the event. The event will be moderated by Dr. Florian Kohstall and Dr. Vera Axyonova.

The AiS Policy Talk #1 will take place online on 3 June 2021, 13:00-14:00 CEST. You will receive a link to the event via email upon registration. 

Please register for the event by 2 June 2021

We would like to encourage an open discussion. Hence, there will be no video recording of the event and the Chatham House Rule will apply. 

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