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Library of the Institute for Theater Studies of the Freie Universität Berlin

The libraries of the Institute of Theater Studies and of the Musicology and Comparative Musicology Seminars are combined in one building.

Opening Hours

Mon – Fri 10.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m

The holdings are freely accessible and generally cannot be ordered.


Grunewaldstr. 35
12165 Berlin

Public transport

Bus: X83, Bus stop Schmidt-Ott-Str. (→ VBB-Fahrinfo)

Location in GoogleMaps.

+49 30 838 503 26 (Information)
Library code

URL Library Portal Primo: http://primo.fu-berlin.de/en/

Other catalogs: none

  • Users: open to the public
  • Terms of use: in house

Theater, Film, Music

The Historical Collections of the Institute for Theater Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin are part of the Historical Archive of the Institute (including the Walter Unruh Collection and the Collection of Reviews and Program Booklets).