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Deadline, Notifications, Selection

Please remember that the selection of Berlin Program Fellowship recipients is a very competitive process, i.e. it is crucial that your application is complete, delivered by the deadline, with all documents in order to ensure your best chance of selection.

Application deadline is: December 1. It is your responsibility to make sure these materials arrive on time.

Late applications cannot be considered in the competition.

Competition opening: Applications will be accepted as of November 1.

Application submission is final:  We will not consider material that is submitted after the first submission of your application.

Acknowledgement of receipt: We will send you an email to acknowledge the receipt of your application. This may take up to ten days.

Confirmation: You will receive an email notification regarding the completeness of your file in mid-December.

Review: All applications will be reviewed by a multidisciplinary committee of distinguished scholars whose area of specialization is matched as closely as possible with your field and topic.

Selection result notification: All applicants will be notified in March about the fellowship nominations.

Continue with Application Forms.