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New Kerstin Leitner Berlin Postdoc Fellowships

News from Oct 12, 2023

Kerstin Leitner Berlin Fellowships offer one-year funding for Ph.D. candidates and recent postdocs from
Africa and China.  It is open to scholars in all social science and humanities disciplines, working on Germany and/or Europe. Scholars from China’s inner procinces as well from countries in Southern Africa are strongly encouraged to apply.

New opportunity: Starting with this competition for fellowships for the acdemic year 2024/25 we are offering postdoc fellowships in addition to the existing dissertation fellowship. Applicants for dissertation fellowships must be full-time graduate students enrolled in a Ph.D. program; applicants for postdoc support must be recent postdocs. The Kerstin Leitner Berlin Fellowship has a value of EUR 1550 per month for dissertation and EUR 1800 for postdoctoral research and carries a travel reimbursement of EUR 1200. For details, check our Fellowships Overview.

We are grateful to Dr. Kerstin Leitner, an FU Alumna who dedicated her professional life to the UN’s development and health programs, to offer her initiative to the Berlin Program.

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