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Cancellation of FUBiS Term II and III 2020

News from Apr 09, 2020

Following the ongoing spread of COVID-19 in Europe and across the world, Freie Universität Berlin International Summer and Winter University (FUBiS) has made the difficult but, in our view, necessary decision to cancel FUBiS Term II and Term III 2020, which were originally planned to take place from May 30 to July 11 and July 18 to August 15 respectively.

The health and safety of participants, faculty, and staff is the program’s highest priority, which is why FUBiS chose to take this step to continue to ensure the well-being of everyone.

FUBiS is currently exploring several options for moving certain components of the FUBiS 2020 summer program online and will communicate updates on the FUBiS website or via email.

The FUBiS team wants to thank all of its partners and students for their understanding and support in this challenging time. FUBiS looks forward to welcoming students in the future, and until then wishes everyone to stay healthy.

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