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Archeological Excavation Schools in Minufiyeh

Excavations in the Minufiyeh government in the central Nile Delta have been taking place regularly since 2010, organised by Freie Universität Berlin and the British Egypt Exploration Society. The excavation campaigns are led by Dr. Joanne Rowland from Freie Universität Berlin’s Egyptology Institute. One of the excavation locations is in Qesna, where the Egyptian Supreme Council for Antiquities excavates the Falcons Necropolis and the cemetery. The new campaigns continue to work on these archaeological sites and the cemetery could now be dated back to the Old Kingdom. Excavation schools supported by the DAAD took place in 2011 and 2012.

Workers of the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities and the archaeology students of Minufiyeh University and Freie Universität Berlin were taught methods and techniques for archaeological excavation, preservation and documentation and how to deal with the technical equipment. Participants were also given an overview of the site management of an excavation, and recommendations on how to publish future excavations.

More information on the excavation schools can be found on the page of the Egyptian Exploration Society.
