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Arabic Philologies

The initiative “Arabic Philologies” originated from a 2012 DAAD-financed workshop by Freie Universität Berlin and Cairo University, as well as The American University in Beirut and Wilhems-Universität Münster. The goal of this project is to develop modern Arabic studies, where Arabic literature is systematically viewed from different angles. Thus the changes in the Arabic-speaking world are taken into better account.

The project consists of several summer schools where PhD students and postdocs in the Arab Philology examine the differences and similarities of their cultures and exchange under the guidance of renowned scientists their own research projects and research approaches. Thereby new teaching methods are used, such as the use of equivalent Arabic and English in the classroom.

In March 2014 Freie Universität Berlin organised a preparatory workshop and a first mini Summer School to test and further elaborate the concept.

The initiative is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation.

More information about the project and the mini summer schools can be found at arabic-philologies.de.
