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Call for applications to the Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies (BSRT)

Sep 25, 2020

Training and research opportunities in the field of Regenerative Medicine for outstanding doctoral researchers with a background in the biological, engineering or clinical disciplines. The Call for application is open to 11.10.2020. 

The Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies (BSRT) offers outstanding interdisciplinary training and research opportunities for national and international doctoral researchers of natural, material and engineering sciences who want to pursue a career in the field of Regenerative Medicine. The program comprises courses, seminars and research projects designed to equip students with the essentials to become effective scientists in Regenerative Medicine. Interaction between biological, engineering and clinical research will be fostered through mutual supervision of each PhD project by top class researchers from different disciplines. The call is open for graduates with a Master’s or equivalent degree in biology, immunology, biochemistry, bioengineering, veterinary medicine, chemistry, engineering, material sciences or physics who want to pursue a doctoral degree.

Potential projects:

Project 1:         3D tissue models for preclinical testing of augmented CAR T cells

Project 2:         Resolving the Activin A Receptor complex and its endothelial function in Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP)

Project 3:         The search for the holy stromal cell - Identification and characterization of specialized and regenerative stromal cell populations to accelerate cartilage repair

Project 4:         Unravelling the importance of cytokines for successful bone healing

Project 5:         Using immune cells to improve the inflamatory reaction during bone healing

Project 6:         Mechano-sensation of angiogenesis and callus formation in early bone regeneration

Project 7:         Development and clinical validation of immune modulatory approaches to improve musculoskeletal healing

Project 8:         The immuno-capacity of the human bone marrow in context of arthroplasty

Project 9:         Organ-on-a-Chip System for the pre-clinical evaluation of novel gene therapeutic approaches for the treatment of autosomal recessive osteopetrosis (ARO)

Project 10:      Extracellular matrix coding and reading: alterations under compromised conditions and consequences for cell behaviour in tissue regeneration conditions

Project 11:      Polytrauma and Bone Regeneration

Project 12:      Guided tissue regeneration through patterned hydrogels with controlled biophysical and biochemical properties

Project 13:      Developing a photo polymerisation based 3D bioprinting for personalized wound treatment in 0 gravity

The doctoral program will start in January 2021. Application deadline is the 11th October 2020

 For your application please use only the online form provided on the website at https://bsrt.cloud.opencampus.net/ where you can also find further information about the BSRT and the application procedure.
