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International Conference "Planning Research for the Future?"

Oct 13, 2011 - Oct 15, 2011

The conference invites researchers of Universities and representatives of private research institutions to discuss about the planning, advancement and regulation of research, it´s implications, consequences and structural needs.

Research and science are the keys to our future. But how do institutions and societies orchestrate „their“ research efforts? How do they decide on topics to be addressed – at random or systematically? And to what extent can or should societal challenges be translated into subjects for science and research in the first place? What is the framework for identifying topics – and how does this framework impact on the ensuing research? Do deliberate preparation and planning really increase the chances for science to succeed and, by implication, for societal problems to be solved? Or does it interfere with creativity and precludes those coincidences that can be of such crucial importance? How far may the influence of the funding institution stretch – where does “freedom of research” begin and where does it end?

These questions are answered very differently by the various protagonists in the science system. Bringing together international players with different views, the conference will discuss the areas of conflict between coincidence and planning, mutual influence of scientific structures and social demand, chances, limitations and consequences of research planning.

The conference is organized by the Center for Cluster Development (CCD) of Freie Universität Berlin in cooperation with Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft. As one of three strategic centers under the university’s development strategy, “International Network University” (INU) the CCD plans and promotes the long-term development of research activities at Freie Universität Berlin.


For more Information see:


Yvonne Sobolik
Planning Research for the Future?
Freie Universität Berlin
Wassergasse 3
10179 Berlin

Tel.: +49-(0)30-65 000-170
Fax: +49-(0)30-65 000-190

