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Zuteilung der platzbeschränkten Lehrveranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2023/2024

News from Oct 13, 2023

As of 10/13/2023, seats in WiSe 2023/24 place-restricted courses were assigned according to the preferences you selected in Campus Management. In almost all cases, the course selected with first preference was allocated. However, not all preferences could be considered. Therefore, please check your registrations in Campus Management.

Please note that you can still register or re-register for modules and courses during the registration period (including places in courses with limited capacity that have remained free or become available due to deregistration) as well as de-register. Please use this opportunity to complete your module and course registrations up to and including 03.11.2023.

We expressly request that you de-register from modules and courses in good time if you decide not to attend them this semester. Otherwise you will block places that your fellow students may need.

If you have questions about the module and course offerings, please contact the advising offices in the respective departments.

Another note to those of you who have a duty of care for children up to the age of 12. In modularized degree programs, you can take advantage of priority registration for modules and courses away from the usual distribution procedure. If you have problems here, e.g. because you need a place in a very specific course due to daycare opening times, please contact the relevant study or examination office.

Best regards,
Your Campus Management Team.

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