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CfAs: Doctoral Fellowships 2025

Deadline: June 14, 2024, 11:59 p.m. (CET)

News from Mar 07, 2024

Call for Applications: Doctoral Fellowships 2025

For the academic year 2025 "The Cluster of Excellence Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective" invites doctoral fellows working in the fields of literary studies and/or related disciplines to spend a period of 6 months at Freie Universität Berlin. Ideally, the research stay should largely coincide with the semester periods (summer term: April – September 2025; winter term: October 2025 – March 2026).

Through these fellowships, junior scholars are offered the possibility to
•    pursue individual research within a vibrant network of international academic partners and local collaborators including universities and libraries as well as literary and artistic institutions and museums;
•    participate in the Cluster’s interdisciplinary scholarly discussions and research networks;
•    become members of the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies (FSGS) and benefit from its curriculum and mentoring programme.

Fellows are expected to work on their own projects while taking part in the events and meetings organised by the Cluster’s Research Areas and the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School.

► 6 months
► Period of stay: January – December 2025
► 1,468 €/month
► Application Deadline: June 14, 2024, 11:59 p.m. (CET)


• At the time of the approval of the fellowship, the period that has elapsed since the applicant’s first university degree (B.A.) may not exceed 10 years. Exceptions are possible for reasons such as childcare or health issues. Candidates exceeding this time limit must state their reasons in writing.
• We can grant fellowships only to applicants who have an academic affiliation with a non-German institution for the entire duration of the fellowship. The supervision of the fellow’s thesis at their home institution must be maintained for the duration of the fellowship.
• The fellow’s research project must be compatible with the Cluster’s research agenda (see: www.temporalcommunities.de/research) and relate to the agenda of one of the Cluster's Research Areas.
• Monthly remuneration of 1,468 € to cover all related expenses (accommodation, travel, health insurance, semester fees, etc.).
• Working space at the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School and access to all university libraries.


Applications for fellowships may be submitted in English or German and should include the following:
• Cover letter outlining the motivation for participation in the fellowship programme and the dates of the intended stay at the Cluster (max. 1 page). Where necessary, reasons for a duration of stay outside the regular semester period;
• Curriculum vitae (max. 2 pages);
• Project title and outline (max. 2 pages), including a description of the project’s relation to one of the Cluster’s 5 Research Areas (see: www.temporal-communities.de/research);
• Copies of the first and latest degrees;
• A letter of recommendation by the supervisor of the PhD project, which may be submitted separately or with the application documents.

Please send your application by email to international@temporal-communities.de as a single pdf document.


Cluster of Excellence “Temporal Communities”
Otto-von-Simson-Straße 15
14195 Berlin, Germany

Dr. Maraike Di Domenica
Academic Coordinator, International Research Cooperation
Email: international@temporal-communities.de

Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14195 Berlin, Germany

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