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Fellowships for Germanists from the Global South at Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School for Literary Studies

Deadline: February 15, 2024

News from Jan 25, 2024

Funded by the Einstein Foundation, the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School for Literary Studies (FSGS) has been awarding short and long-term fellowships to Germanists from the Global South since 2023 as part of a pre-doctoral program. By integrating doctoral students from the Global South, the aim is to consolidate academic networks beyond the Global North and incorporate previously neglected research perspectives.

For the year 2024, FSGS invites Germanists from the Global South to spend a period of 2 to 3 months at the Free University of Berlin. Ideally, the research stay should take place during the lecture periods (Summer semester: April – July 2024; Winter semester: October – December 2024).

Through these fellowships, early-career researchers will have the opportunity to:

• Conduct individual research in a vibrant academic network and participate in the interdisciplinary academic discussions and research networks of FSGS,

• Connect with the professor who oversees on-site supervision and exchange ideas about the developments of their project,

• Receive a workspace at FSGS and utilize the resources of the university (library, internet, etc.).



• 2–3 months

• April–December 2024

• €1,450/month + travel expenses

• Applications are now being accepted. The application period ends on February 15, 2024.



• Residency in the Global South

• Completed MA degree

• Affiliation with a university in the Global South (e.g., as a prospective doctoral candidate)

• German language proficiency at the B2 level

• Intended doctoral research in a predominantly German literary studies program or a thematic focus on German literature for the doctoral research

• Preference is given to applicants who are considering pursuing a doctorate at FSGS or planning longer research stays at FSGS as visiting doctoral candidates.



Applications for fellowships must be submitted in German and include the following documents:

• Cover letter explaining the motivation for participating in the fellowship and the planned duration of stay (maximum 1-2 pages). It should also name a supervisor from the FSGS-PIs who could supervise the candidate during their stay in Berlin.

• Curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages)

• Project title and outline (maximum 2 pages)

• Copies of the first and last academic degrees

• Optional: Confirmation of supervision by an FSGS-PI for the duration of the stay.


Please send your application as a single PDF document via email to koordination@fsgs.fu-berlin.de.


The Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School for Literary Studies (FSGS) is a structured doctoral program located at the Free University of Berlin. FSGS supervises conceptually outstanding dissertations that explore literature within a cultural-historical, transregional, transtemporal, and/or intermedial framework. For more information about FSGS, please visit their Homepage.

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