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Round Table 2023 - India

News from Dec 05, 2023

Prof. Dr. Verena Blechinger-Talcott, Vice President, Freie Universität Berlin organized a Round Table "India" for professors from Freie Universität Berlin on December 5, 2023.

The agenda for this digital Event was to discuss the current political situation, past cooperation with India and the region, in an internal FU circle. A report on current developments in India was presented by Ms. Vibhuti Sukhramani, the new head of the FUB India Liaison Office in New Delhi, India which was followed by a Round of introductions and exchange on current cooperations. Professors from 8 departments from FUB were part of the Discussions and shared their experiences.

Dr. Herbert Grieshop, Director, International Affairs, talked about the funding opportunities and upcoming possibilities for professors for research in India and South Asia.

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