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Hegel Lecture

The highlight of the Center’s public activities is the annual Hegel Lecture. The lecture is given by outstanding figures in international intellectual and cultural life and is aimed at both the university and the general public. The lecture is especially committed to the concept of freedom, which is central to Hegel's philosophy and the conecpt to which the university at which the DHC is located owes its name and existence.

The first Hegel Lecture was held by the French philosopher, essayist and author André Glucksmann on January 8, 2008. On this occasion the Center was opened officially in the presence of Federal Minister for Research, Dr. Annette Schavan, and the Berlin Senator for Education, Sciences and Research, Prof. Dr. E. Jürgen Zöllner.

Hegel Lecture 2023 with Rosi Braidotti: "Affirmative Ethics – the philosophy of the big YES!"

June 21, 2023

Hegel Lecture 2022 with Victor Stoichita: "Das Ikonographisch-Unbewusste des Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel"

December 1, 2022

Hegel Lecture 2021 with Bruno Latour


Hegel Lecture 2019 with Seyla Benhabib: "Hegel’s Concept of the Person and International Human Rights Today"

June 5, 2019

Hegel Lecture 2017 with Armin Nassehi: "Wovon reden wir, wenn wir von ‚Gesellschaft‘ reden?"

December 7, 2017

Hegel Lecture 2016 with Hélène Cixous: "Ay yay! The Cry of Literature"

May 11, 2016

Hegel Lecture 2011 with Slavoj Žižek: "Is It Still Possible to Be a Hegelian Today?"

March 31, 2011

Hegel Lecture 2010 with Homi Bhabha: "Our Neighbors, Ourselves: Contemporary Reflections on Survival"

January 28, 2010

Hegel Lecture 2009 with Judith Butler: "Frames of War"

February 3, 2009

Hegel Lecture 2008 / Opening ceremony of the Dahlem Humanities Center with André Glucksmann: “1968-2008”

January 8, 2008