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As a follow-up to the event on July 10, 2023, we have put together a collection of questions on e-recruiting that were submitted to the project leads during or after the event.

Availability in English

The job portal is currently being translated into English. Individual job advertisements may already be published in English.

Using the Job Portal

With the introduction of the job portal, we are striving toward electronic applications via the portal as the standard procedure.

Applicants who wish to submit an unsolicited application should be referred to our job portal. Here, they can create an account and manage their application(s).

Due to how the e-recruiting SuccessFactors module works, we are able to notify interested parties of new job advertisements that fit their profile. While it would be possible to expand the portal to include unsolicited applications or pools of applicants, this is not something that we are currently planning to implement.

Potential for Feedback

The development and pilot phase of the portal were carried out using selected pilot areas. We will be providing a wealth of support during the rollout stage, for example, an informational event about the SuccessFactors module, as well as training sessions on individual sections of the application process (hiring requests, dealing with applicants, etc.) These training sessions will allow for a constant stream of dialogue and feedback, and for you to voice your opinions.

Digital Accessibility

There are many different standards that regulate accessibility across Germany and Europe. SAP claims that SuccessFactors complies with North American and European standards.

We are currently in talks with an external advisor regarding this software’s progress on implementing the Federal Ordinance on Barrier-Free Information Technology (Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung, BITV 2.0).


The system contains sample job advertisements that can be accessed by all units. You are more than welcome to send us additional templates that we can make accessible to everyone as “standard templates.”

The standard texts were created by our project team and are aimed at simplifying work processes. They may be used as a guide, but you are more than welcome to adapt these based on your individual practices and the circumstances at hand, allowing for a more personal approach.

We use gender neutral language wherever possible. The departmental and chief gender equality officers are closely involved in making sure of this. Where it is technically not (yet) possible to user gender neutral language, i.e., because the system does not allow for this, we register our concerns with SAP.

SuccessFactors does allow for automated responses. However, based on our experiences with other SAP systems, we are not currently planning on integrating reminder emails into the job portal.

Job advertisements will continue to be able to be published in other online portals and in print media.

Workflow times are stipulated according to the legal framework and administrative processes involved. In this sense, the processing times assigned to each step of the workflow will remain the same as they are now. Switching to the SuccessFactor module will not result in shorter or longer workflow times, it just means that they will merely take place in a digital format.


No. Users log in/register for the portal using the single sign-on function, which allows users to identify themselves unambiguously. A two-factor authentication process will be introduced if necessary.


We are still in discussions with the employee representatives. We plan to submit a new proposal to them this winter semester.