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Banning Individuals from University Property

In order to make it easier to react quickly in urgent situations, the Executive Board of Freie Universität has delegated the authority to ban someone from the premises to the heads of divisions in those cases where a person is causing an immediate disturbance. This decision was announced in a circular in July 2021 (Rundschreiben Serie V No. 02/2021, 1.7.21). This delegation of authority provides a legal basis with which to swiftly remove disruptive individuals from university property (rooms, buildings, or grounds).

The authority to ban individuals from university property was delegated to the following people (as of July 1, 2021):



Deans and department heads of administration.

(If both the dean and the department head of administration are present, the dean decides who has the authority to ban the person from the premises)

The premises (buildings and grounds) of that specific department

Managing directors of scientific/academic institutions

The premises of that specific scientific/academic institution

Heads of central facilities

The premises of that specific central facility

Chairpersons of the central institute councils

The premises of that specific central institute

Directors and deputy directors of Freie Universität Berlin’s libraries

The premises of the specific library

Director and deputy director of the University Archive

The premises of the University Archive

Teaching staff

The respective course or examination session of that instructor

Only the president (or the deputy to the president) has the authority to issue a long-term ban from university property in the case of disturbances that occur over a longer period of time or in cases of extreme disturbances.

The head of the Office of the General Counsel (or their deputy) has the authority to ban individuals who are causing a one-off disturbance (e.g., troublemakers, inebriates).

In other cases (e.g., disturbances caused by a large group of people during a political conflict), the head of the Executive Office of Freie Universität Berlin (or their deputy) has the right to ban the people from the premises.

If police assistance is required in such cases, the president would issue a request for law enforcement support to the police department.

If police assistance is required in other cases (e.g., emergencies), the decision to involve law enforcement can be made directly by the individuals on site.

Whenever someone exercises the authority to ban or remove someone from university premises, the president of the university must be informed immediately via either the head of the Office of the General Counsel (in the case of disruptive individuals; email: rechtsamt@fu-berlin.de) or via the head of the Executive Office (in the case of disruptive groups; email: praesidialamt@fu-berlin.de).

If an individual case arises where you think this authority should be extended to someone else, please contact the head of the Office of the General Counsel. They can then make the delegation, which is usually issued in writing, but can be done verbally in urgent situations. The president of the university may at any time revoke the delegation of this authority.