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Working Structures

All members of our university are responsible for fostering an environment where diversity is valued and no form of discrimination is tolerated. In other words, diversity is a university-wide responsibility.

The Executive Board of Freie Universität has allocated a specific responsibility for diversity, as well as for gender equity and international affairs to Vice President Professor Verena Blechinger-Talcott.

Freie University has only limited working structures specifically targeting (anti)discrimination: One of the priorities in the Diversity Strategy and Action Plan 2021–2023 is the systematic development of robust working structures, that offer needs-based measures in the field of diversity/antidiscrimination, including prevention/support, counseling, and complaint management. These structures will be regulated in an Antidiscrimination Statute.    

On this page you can find information about the existing working structures at Freie Universität Berlin.


Diversity & Antidiscrimination Office

The Diversity & Antidiscrimination Office, led by Gabriele Rosenstreich, supports and advises the university’s management in all questions concerning diversity and leads diversity related processes and projects. For example, together, with Professor Blechinger-Talcott, she is currently leading the diversity audit process.

In summer 2022 the Executive Board of the university decided to strengthen the office. Over the next years it will develop support and advice services for discrimination, conflict and complaint management and of course build on current work to promote diversity and reduce discrimination.


Support services

Freie Universität already has various services that can provide members of the university with advice and support in relation to diversity and discrimination. They are supported by the Diversity & Antidiscrimination office in its role as specialist central unit.


Diversity Governance

Freie Universität Berlin is taking a participative approach to diversity work. We are striving to incorporate the diverse experiences, perspectives and ideas of members from all status groups. At the same time we need functional working structures that allow us to effectively achieve our goals.

The diversity governance structure allows a wide range of stakeholders to participate in the area of diversity and antidiscrimination at Freie Universität Berlin, and thus systematically consolidates their input. This structure regulates the key bodies, roles, procedures, decision-making authorities, and relationships between stakeholders. By doing so it supports the work of the Diversity & Antidiscrimination Office and the designated Executive Board member. The university strives for a structure that provides a high level of transparency, combines a top-down with a bottom-up approach and fosters the broad participation of relevant stakeholders from all status groups and the Executive Board (as equals).

The Diversity Steering Committee (“Leitungsteam”) provides support in strategic considerations, while the Diversity Council (“Plenum”) advises on the development of specific activities. Working groups are set up where needed.

Each department, division and central facility appoints a diversity contact person, who ensures that there is a flow of information between the working structures and thereby contributes to the links and synergy between activities.

The evaluation of the diversity governance structure – and its adjustment as required – is one of the measures in the Diversity Strategy and Action Plan 2021–2023.

Organigramm of Freie Universität Berlin’s diversity governance structure, comprising a steering committee, council, central and departmental working groups and contact people.

Organigramm of Freie Universität Berlin’s diversity governance structure, comprising a steering committee, council, central and departmental working groups and contact people.
Image Credit: Freie Universität Berlin

Staff Networks

Staff networks are established on the initiative of Freie Universität employees who belong to minoritized groups. They are supported by the Diversity & Antidiscrimination Office.

Staff networks provide an informal and easily accessible framework for exchange and collaboration among peers, thus contributing to the empowerment of their members. In addition, they boost the visibility of minoritized groups within the university and draw attention to their needs. They also facilitate participation in diversity-related activities. Staff networks play a significant role in making our university community and work environment inclusive and equitable. They contribute to the achievement of Freie Universität’s diversity objectives .


Departmental Diversity Working Structures

Many departments, divisions and central facilities have established or are planning to set up their own working structures to promote diversity and antidiscrimination, such as committees, counseling services, or offices with a delegated function. For example, the Department of Political and Social Sciences has a working group on diversity, as does Division VI: Research.

The departmental diversity contact people support the connections between these structures and the central structures and activities that affect the university as a whole.


Targeted Working Structures for Specific Dimensions

There are also a range of other working structures at Freie Universität Berlin that focus on specific dimensions of diversity. Alongside the well-established structures in the field of gender equality at both a central and departmental level, there are also structures in place in particular in relation to the dimensions “disability, chronic illness, and health impairments” and “social and family situation.” These include both required legal measures, such as staff representatives (Representative for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses and Representatives for Staff with Disabilities) and other central services that the university set up of its own accord, such as the Office for Students with Disabilities at Freie Universität Berlin and the Dual Career and Family Service.


Inter-University Networks

Networking and cooperation both within and beyond the university enables and supports the exchange of experience and information that is indispensable for needs-based, effective diversity work. It also creates a foundation for building effective coalitions and cooperative agreements to reduce structural disadvantages. This is because the creation of structural equity should, as far as possible, not be limited to a single institution, but should always aim to change the higher education landscape and the social context as well.

As a partner in the Berlin University Alliance (BUA), Freie Universität is a member of the Diversity & Gender Equality Steering Committee, which is developing a systematic strategy for the promotion of diversity (research) and diversity-related standards to be implemented, for example, through the establishment of the Diversity and Gender Equality Network for Diversity Researchers (DiGENet, established 2020), through the promotion of junior research groups, and through visiting professorships. We are striving to connect Freie Universität’s diversity strategy with BUA’s diversity activities. This is being achieved through, among other things, the participation of a member of the Diversity Steering Committee in the BUA’s Diversity & Gender Equality Steering Committee and the location of the DiGENet coordination office at Freie Universität in the Margherita von Brentano Center.

Freie Universität is a member of several diversity-related alliances and actively participates in relevant local, national, and international networks, for example:

Freie Universität Berlin, as an international network university, has had many years of experience and a wide range of partnerships that can benefit diversity work. Within the framework of the Diversity Council in the UNA Europe Network, for example, Freie Universität is leading an international working group on diversity data collection (1Europe project, 2020–2023).