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International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women Campaign 2023

News from Oct 25, 2023

Under the slogan "Stand up against sexualised violence!", the team of the central Gender Equality Office of Freie Universität Berlin is offering a series of events and publications on the topic of sexualised harassment, discrimination and violence (German: Sexualisierte Belästigung, Diskriminierung und Gewalt - SBDG) around the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on November 25th.

From 21 - 29.11.2023, there will be workshops on gender-based violence, on "macho-free" flirting behaviour and on critical masculinity, as well as self-defence and turn-taking courses. Some of the events are in English only, some can be offered in English if required. 

In particular, we would like to emphasize that beyond the workshops, there will be safe discussion spaces provided for persons dealing with sexualised violence and transgressions. In order to ensure that, it is obligatory to register for the events.

The full programme and further information can be found here in German. (Information in English should be published soon by the organisers.)

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