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Anna Belogurova, DRS POINT Alumna, publishes monograph “The Nanyang Rebellion”

News from Sep 03, 2019

POINT alumna and GEAS associate fellow Anna Belogurova has published her monograph “The Nanyang Rebellion” on the Comintern and Chinese Networks in Southeast Asia, 1890–1957. In this innovative reading, she explores the development of the Malayan Communist Party (MCP) in the context of an emerging nationalism in Southeast Asia, the interplay of overseas Chinese networks and the Comintern.

Cambridge UP: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/nanyang-revolution/61DA003DE5480AF2F1CADD60903376BF

Anna Belogurova: https://www.geschkult.fu-berlin.de/e/oas/sinologie/institut/mitarbeiter/3_mitarbeiter/Belogurova.html

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