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sexual harassment

What constitutes sexual or other forms of harassment?

  • Sexist remarks, jokes, innuendoes or taunting about a person's body, appearance;
  • Leering, ogling or other sexually oriented gestures;
  • Unwanted sexual teasing, jokes, remarks, or questions;
  • Displaying of pornographic or other sexually offensive or derogatory pictures or material;
  • Unwanted pressure for sexual favors;
  • Unwelcome sexual advances or bodily conduct;
  • Persistent and unwelcome invitations;
  • Inappropriate touching and sexual assault.

Contacts & Support Services


  • Employees should report instances of possible sexual harassment or gender discrimination to the Gender Equality Officer or one of the other above mentioned support services.
  • If you witness sexual harassment you may address the victim and if appropriate, give reference to the above mentioned support services.   
  • A Sexual Harassment Complaint Process describing the steps to be followed for reporting and handling complaints has not yet been established. Because sexual harassment and gender discrimination may involve a wide range of behaviors, the way in which a given case is best handled will vary.
  • The highest possible degree of confidentiality shall be maintained regarding all allegations, inquiries and investigations and all persons involved. 
  • No action will be taken without the permission of the victim.
For more information, contact the Working Group against Sexual Harassment at the Gender Equality Office